AAREADME - An overview of the TES archive Virtual Volume and an introduction to the data available from the TES instrument.
ARCHSIS - The TES Archive Volume Software Interface Specification describes the format and contents of the PDS Archive Volume. The TES archive volume is currently available as HTTP or FTP from the "Virtual Volume" link on the TES data website.
CALIB - The Mars Global Surveyor TES Calibration Report describes the instrument calibration methods and results applied pre-launch and in-flight. Volume II contains the figures referenced in the Calibration Report.
ENB_IMG & ENB_ORBIT - The TES Experimenter's Notebook IMG file summarizes the data collection strategies of the TES Mission Planner throughout the MGS mission. The TES ENB_ORBIT file lists the UTC start time, the data tables available, and a reference to the IMG notes for each TES orbit.
ERRATA - This document contains comments and errata concerning the on-line release of the TES standard data products; this document is updated with each release of new or revised data.
GLOSSARY - This document contains an explanation of terms and acronyms used in the TES data website
INDEX - This directory contains several types of TES index tables and documents described in the INDXINFO file. The index tables are updated with each release of new or revised data.
INST.CAT - A description of the Mars Global Surveyor TES instrument; this is a PDS high-level catalog object.
INSTHOST.CAT - A description of the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft; this is a PDS high-level catalog object.
MISSION.CAT - A description of the Mars Global Surveyor mission; this is a PDS high-level catalog object.
PROCESS - The Mars Global Surveyor TES Data Processing User's Guide describes how the raw data were processed in order to generate the calibrated and derived data fields. Bandfield's description of the spectral calibration V.002E processing is available here.
SDPSIS - The Mars Global Surveyor TES Data Product Software Interface Specification describes in detail the structure of all TES standard data tables.
TES Data Node MOA - The MGS-TES Data Node Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) defines the services to be performed by the MGS-TES Data Node and its relationship to the PDS Geosciences Discipline Node.
VANILLA - The Mars Global Surveyor TES Vanilla User's Guide describes how to use the Vanilla software to query data from the TES standard data tables. Hints on how to install the Vanilla software on your system are avilable here.